How should brands navigate through and survive after recession?
The current crisis damages businesses and harms brands. It affects every industry differently.
Consumers set stricter priorities and reduce their spendings. Product availability is likely to become a big issue for many brands, as supply chains are on hold.
As sales start to drop, businesses have to cut costs and postpone investments.
For many companies the future is uncertain. How can they master the delicate balance between cutting costs to survive today and investing to grow tomorrow?
Thursday May 14th IAA’s webInAAr will embark on this topic.
Our host Jacek Olechowski, CEO Mediacap and President of IAA Poland, will talk to a panel of experts about the ways in which brands can keep their businesses going.
Our panelists are:
- David Buttle, Global Marketing Director at Financial Times (Media)
- Kerrie Finch, Founding Partner at Futurefactor (Agency)
- Peter Field, author and keynote speaker (Consultant)
- Rishi Chande, Global Commercial Director at Captify (Research)
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