Hardturmstrasse 161
18:00 bis 21:30 Uhr
How can you support your organization in implementing and managing the shift required for ongoing sustainability integration?
Join our event on November 17th and drive positive change in your business! Listen and learn from best cases, presented to you by Credit Suisse, The Coca-Cola Company, The Green Media Initiative and the European Association of Communication Agencies (EACA).
Sustainable marketing – Drive positive change in your business
Sustainability is more than just a trend. It is a topic that concerns us all.
Many brands typically judge their success by how much revenue they have. Sustainability shifts this perspective and brands start evaluating themselves by other indicators than just their profit. For corporates with a sustainability mindset, the measurement of performance include three areas: people, profit and planet.
Whatever sector your company operates in: Corporate Sustainability matters! Companies need to close the gap between knowing and doing by embracing sustainable business practices.
The good. The bad. And the greenwash.
Sustainable marketing is the promotion of environmental and socially responsible products, practices, and brand values. As the sustainability movement gains popularity, consumers are getting better at detecting when brands are trying to get credits for playing in the sustainable space without having any intentions of long-term changes. False advertising (greenwash), can cause irreparable harm to a business’s reputation and its performance.
Sustainable marketing is a critical part of operating a sustainable business. But what does the term sustainable marketing really mean? And how can brands meet the needs of everyone without compromising the security for future generations?
We are happy to welcome Nicolas Bordas on our stage for a keynote speech, followed by a panel discussion with Roman Reichelt, Laura Loos and Tobias Zehnder. Nicolas Bordas is the Co-Chair of the Sustainability task force at the EACA (European Association of Communication Agencies) and the Vice-President International of TBWA\Worldwide.
The panel, moderated by IAA-Boardmember Natasja Sommer-Feldbrugge, will discuss how brands can benefit rom engaging in sustainable practices and how they can communicate their commitment to their customers.
Four Experts on the IAA-Stage on November 17th
Laura Loos is the Head of Marketing Switzerland at Coca-Cola. The skilled marketer has more than 10 years of experience in building and maintaining leading international brands. She holds a Bachelor in General Management from EBS University in Germany and a dual Master of Science in Marketing Communications Management & CEMS Master in International Management from Copenhagen Business School in Denmark.
Roman Reichelt is the Global CMO of Credit Suisse and a member of the management committee of CS Switzerland. He is responsible for the CS brand as well as for all marketing initiatives of Credit Suisse. He holds a master’s degree in media economics from the University of Siegen, as well as diplomas from the management forges IMD Lausanne, Harvard Business School and Instead Paris.
Nicolas Bordas is the Vice-President International of TBWA\Worldwide and in charge of Environmental Sustainability. He is also the Co-Chair of the Sustainability task force at the EACA (European Association of Communication Agencies) and teaches at the Sciences Po Paris.
He graduated from ESSEC Business School in Paris.
Tobias Zehnder is Co-Founder at Webrepublic, Boardmember at LSA (Leading Swiss Agencies) and representative at Green Media Switzerland. The Initiative advocates for more climate-neutral advertising.
Tobias graduated from the University of Zürich and holds a degree in Strategic Innovation from MIT.
Join the panel on November 17th!
6.00 PM Arrival / Apéro
6.30 PM Welcome by Host Matthias Kiess, IAA-Boardmember and CEO TBWA
6.40 PM Keynote Speech by Nicolas Bordas
7.00 PM Panel with Nicolas Bordas, Laura Loos, Roman Reichelt and Tobias Zehnder
8.00 PM Dinner / Networking
9.30 PM End of the event
Costs (including dinner):
IAA members free of charge, guests of IAA members Fr. 100.-, external guests Fr. 180.-.
International IAA members can also join the panel online on YouTube.
For further information please contact us via contact_sc@iaa.ch
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