How to become Number 1

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Restaurant Metropol
Fraumünsterstrasse 12

08.02.2019 11:30 bis 14:00 Uhr


How To Bullsh*t Your Way To Number 1

Oobah Butler offers his thoughts on how to advertise to the demographic that are so hard for advertisers to understand, millennials and Gen Z-ers.
The creator of ‘The Shed at Dulwich, the world’s most famous restaurant that never existed; the man who fooled Paris fashion week by posing as the knock-off designer Georgio Peviani, comes to Zürich to discuss his work. In 2018 alone, three projects that have earned him 160m views predominantly in the under 30s age bracket, 1349 articles and 43 TV interviews. In the talk, he’ll break down how the projects were constructed, what they have in common, and exactly why so many under 30s were so connected to them.

Oobah Butler is an award-winning filmmaker and writer. In Summer 2018, he received three awards for his work; Content Creator of the Year at the Online Media Awards, Video Project of the Year at the British Media Awards and Best Content Idea – Digital 2018 at the British Society of Magazine Editors Talent Awards.



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