Harnessing the Power of Word of Mouth & Social Media

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Widder Hotel
Augustinergasse 24

29.03.2011 11:30 bis 14:15 Uhr

Keine Kategorien

IAA Luncheon mit Rob Fuggetta, CEO Zubernance

Word of Mouth (WOM) is the world’s most trusted and influential form of communications. 90% of consumers trust WOM, while only 24% trust advertising. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.) has amplified WOM, further increasing its influence. There are over 500 billion WOM impressions each year in the US, according to Forrester Research. Rob Fuggetta, founder and CEO of WOM marketing company Zuberance, will discuss how companies can harness the power of WOM and social media by energizing their Brand Advocates. He’ll present real-world case studies on how companies are getting measurable 10X ROI by turning their Advocates into a powerful marketing force, and how you can too.

Rob Fuggetta is the driving force behind Zuberance’s vision and strategy. He founded Zuberance in February 2007 because he saw a major opportunity for companies to harness the power of Word of Mouth and social media to drive sales. As CEO, Rob is ultimately responsible for all aspects of Zuberance’s business including product, enginee-ring, operations, customer success, and sales and marketing. Rob is a 20-year veteran of Silicon Valley who has played a leadership role in three start-ups including Genuity, which went public in June 2000. Rob was formerly a partner at Regis McKenna Inc., the legendary Silicon Valley marketing and communications firm, where he co-led the global Apple business.


Kontakt: IAA Swiss Chapter, Edith Moosbrugger, Konradstrasse 61, 8005 Zürich, Tel. 044 383 26 62, contact_sc@iaa.ch
E-Mail: contact_sc@iaa.ch